In order to build SLEEF, you need CMake, which is an open-source and cross-platform building tool. In order to test the library, it is better to have the GNU MPFR Library, Libssl and FFTW.
CMake works by allowing the developer to specify build parameters and rules in a simple text file that cmake then processes to generate project files for the actual native build tools (e.g. UNIX Makefiles, Microsoft Visual Studio, Apple XCode, etc). If you are not already familiar with cmake, please refer to the official documentation or the basic introductions in the wiki.
You will find quick start instructions in the sources or via GitHub in the README.adoc file.
In order to build the library, you may want to install OpenMP (optional). In order to test the library, you need to install libmpfr, libssl and libfftw3 (optional). Availability of these libraries are checked upon execution of cmake. Please change the directory to sleef-3.X and run the following commands.
$ sudo apt-get install libmpfr-dev libssl-dev libfftw3-dev $ cmake -S . -B build/ $ cmake --build build/ --clean-first -j `nproc` $ ctest --test-dir build/ -j `nproc` $ sudo cmake --install build/ --prefix /path/to/install/dir
In order to uninstall the libraries and headers, run the following command.
$ sudo xargs rm -v < build/install_manifest.txt
You can build the library with link time opimization(LTO) support with the following commands. Note that you can only build static libraries with LTO support. You also have to use the same compiler with the same version to build the library and other source codes.
In order to build the library with thinLTO support with clang, you need to specify LLVM AR command that exactly corresponds to the clang compiler.
Header files for inlining the whole SLEEF functions can be built with the following commands. With these header files, it may be easier to inline the whole SLEEF functions than using LTO. You have to specify "-ffp-contract=off" compiler option when compiling a source code that includes one of these header files.
Open developer command prompt for VS2022 and change directory to sleef-3.X. You can use the accompanying batch file named winbuild-msvc.bat to build the library. The arguments of this batch file are passed to cmake.
Below is an example of commands for building SLEEF with Visual Studio.
D:\sleef-3.X> winbuild-msvc -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSLEEF_BUILD_DFT=True -DSLEEF_BUILD_QUAD=True
Install ninja and clang via VS2022 installer. Below is an example of commands for building SLEEF with Clang on Windows.
D:\sleef-3.X> winbuild-clang -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSLEEF_BUILD_DFT=True -DSLEEF_BUILD_QUAD=True
You can choose your own installation of LLVM executable by setting CLANGINSTALLDIR environment variable.
D:\sleef-3.X> set CLANGINSTALLDIR=C:\Program Files\LLVM D:\sleef-3.X> winbuild-clang -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSLEEF_BUILD_DFT=True -DSLEEF_BUILD_QUAD=True
Now, let's try compiling the source code shown in Fig. 2.1.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <x86intrin.h>
#include <sleef.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
double a[] = {2, 10};
double b[] = {3, 20};
__m128d va, vb, vc;
va = _mm_loadu_pd(a);
vb = _mm_loadu_pd(b);
vc = Sleef_powd2_u10(va, vb);
double c[2];
_mm_storeu_pd(c, vc);
printf("pow(%g, %g) = %g\n", a[0], b[0], c[0]);
printf("pow(%g, %g) = %g\n", a[1], b[1], c[1]);
Fig. 2.1: Source code for testing
Fig.2.2 shows typical commands for compiling and executing the hello code on Linux computers.
$ gcc hellox86.c -o hellox86 -lsleef $ ./hellox86 pow(2, 3) = 8 pow(10, 20) = 1e+20 $ █
Fig. 2.2: Commands for compiling and executing hellox86.c
You may need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable appropriately. If you are trying to execute the program on Mac OSX or Windows, try copying the DLLs to the current directory.
Below is an example CMakeLists.txt for compiling the above hellox86.c. CMake will automatically download SLEEF from GitHub repository, and thus there is no need to include SLEEF in your software package. If you prefer importing SLEEF as a submodule in git, you can use SOURCE_DIR option instead of GIT_REPOSITORY option for ExternalProject_Add.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5.1)
find_package(Git REQUIRED)
add_executable(hellox86 hellox86.c)
add_dependencies(hellox86 libsleef)
target_link_libraries(hellox86 sleef)
Fig. 2.3: Example CMakeLists.txt
Below, we explain two methods for cross-compiling SLEEF. Both rely on the toolchain files provided under toolchains directory. Below are examples of cross-compiling SLEEF for AArch64 on a platform with x86_64 Linux.
Please run the following from the root directory of SLEEF:
1. First, compile the native SLEEF.
$ cmake -S . -B build-native $ cmake --build build-native -j --clean-first
2. Cross-compile the target platform's SLEEF.
$ cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./toolchains/aarch64-gcc.cmake -DNATIVE_BUILD_DIR=$(pwd)/build-native/ -S . -B build $ cmake --build build -j --clean-first
If QEMU is available on your environement, there is no need to compile the native SLEEF. Please run the following from the root directory of SLEEF.
1. Install qemu on Ubuntu.
$ sudo apt install -y qemu-user-static binfmt-support
2. Set the environment variable.
3. Set the dynamic linker/loader path.
$ export QEMU_LD_PREFIX=/usr/aarch64-linux-gnu/
4. Cross-compile the target platform's SLEEF.
$ cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./toolchains/aarch64-gcc.cmake -S . -B build $ cmake --build build -j --clean-first