Contribute to SLEEF


If you have a question that does not necessarily require a change to SLEEF, such as asking how something works or how to contribute, please open a discussion.


By using the provided issue or pull-request template you make sure we have all the information we need to triage, understand and solve your issue as quickly and efficiently as we can. Please help us by providing as much information as you can by filing the provided forms.

Report Bug

If you would like to report a bug in SLEEF, please create a new issue and select Report Bug.

You can also suggest a fix by submitting a pull request on GitHub.

Request Feature

If you would like to request a feature or a change to SLEEF, please create a new issue and select Request Feature.

Request Documentation

If you would like to report an issue or request a change to the documentation, please create a new issue and select Request Docs.

Pull Requests

If you would like to suggest a fix or any change to SLEEF, please submit a pull request on GitHub.